Author: Errol Andam Nike

Errol Andam Nike

Change Management Skills Are Essential for Every Leader

Errol Andam Nike

Culture shifts within organizations don’t happen by accident, and don’t always require an outsider stepping in and turning the place on its ear. The truth is, every great leader needs to understand the principles of change management.

Whether it’s technological advancements, market disruptions, or organizational restructuring, effective change management is crucial for navigating transitions smoothly and driving success. As a leader, possessing the right skills to manage change is paramount. In this article, Errol Andam, formerly of Nike goes into the key change management skills every leader should possess and how they can be honed to lead their teams through periods of transformation.

  1. Communication Skills Effective communication lies at the heart of successful change management. Leaders must articulate the reasons behind the change, its expected outcomes, and the role of each team member in the process. Clear and transparent communication fosters understanding, minimizes resistance, and builds trust among employees. Whether it’s through town hall meetings, one-on-one discussions, or regular updates, leaders must ensure that their communication channels are open, empathetic, and tailored to the needs of their audience.
  2. Visionary Leadership A compelling vision provides direction and purpose during times of change. Leaders must inspire their teams by painting a vivid picture of the desired future state and demonstrating how the proposed changes align with organizational goals and values. By instilling confidence and enthusiasm, visionary leaders can rally their teams around a shared vision and motivate them to embrace change as an opportunity for growth and innovation.
  3. Adaptability Change often brings uncertainty and ambiguity. Leaders must be agile and adaptable, capable of navigating uncharted territory and making informed decisions in rapidly evolving situations. Flexibility, resilience, and a willingness to learn from setbacks are essential traits for leaders to effectively manage change and steer their teams towards success amidst uncertainty.
  4. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Change can evoke a range of emotions, including fear, resistance, and anxiety, among employees. Leaders must demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence to understand and address the concerns of their team members compassionately. By acknowledging their emotions, actively listening to their feedback, and providing support and reassurance, leaders can foster a sense of psychological safety and facilitate smoother transitions during times of change.
  5. Stakeholder Management Change affects various stakeholders within and outside the organization. Leaders must identify key stakeholders, assess their interests, and actively engage them throughout the change process. Building strong relationships, managing expectations, and soliciting feedback from stakeholders can help leaders anticipate potential challenges, garner support, and ensure alignment across the organization.
Errol Andam Nike
  1. Strategic Planning and Execution Change management requires careful planning and execution. Leaders must develop a comprehensive change management plan that outlines goals, timelines, resources, and metrics for success. By breaking down the change initiative into manageable tasks, setting realistic milestones, and monitoring progress, leaders can effectively track the implementation of change initiatives and make course corrections as needed to achieve desired outcomes.
  2. Responsible Risk Management Change inherently involves risks, whether it’s related to technology adoption, market shifts, or organizational restructuring. Leaders must assess potential risks, anticipate challenges, and develop contingency plans to mitigate adverse impacts. By fostering a culture of experimentation, learning, and responsible risk-taking, leaders can empower their teams to innovate and adapt to change proactively.

In conclusion, mastering change management is a critical skill for leaders in today’s dynamic business landscape. By honing their communication, visionary leadership, adaptability, empathy, stakeholder management, strategic planning, and risk management skills, leaders can effectively navigate transitions, inspire their teams, and drive sustainable success in the face of change. As change becomes the new normal, investing in developing these skills will be invaluable for leaders striving to lead their organizations towards a brighter future.

Top Ad Networks for Brands Looking to Increase Discoverability

Errol Andam Nike

It’s getting louder out there, and still, getting discovered online is crucial for brands looking to reach their target audience and drive business growth. With the plethora of advertising options available, navigating the world of online advertising can be overwhelming. From search engines to social media platforms and specialized ad networks, there are numerous avenues for brands to showcase their products and services. In this article, Errol Andam, formerly of Nike explores some of the top ad networks that brands can leverage to increase their online discoverability and reach.

Google Ads

Google Ads is the undisputed leader in online advertising, offering a variety of ad formats across its search engine, display network, and video platform, YouTube. With Google’s vast reach and powerful targeting options, brands can reach potential customers at every stage of the purchasing journey. Whether it’s through search ads that appear at the top of Google’s search results, display ads on relevant websites, or video ads on YouTube, Google Ads provides a comprehensive suite of tools to maximize online discoverability and drive conversions.

Facebook Ads

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook remains one of the most popular social media platforms for advertising. Facebook Ads allow brands to target users based on demographics, interests, and behavior, making it an effective tool for reaching specific audience segments. Whether it’s through sponsored posts in users’ newsfeeds, carousel ads showcasing multiple products, or video ads that capture attention, Facebook Ads offer a versatile platform for brands to increase their online visibility and engagement.

Instagram Ads

As a subsidiary of Facebook, Instagram offers similar advertising capabilities, with a focus on visual content and storytelling. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is an ideal platform for brands looking to showcase their products and connect with a younger, visually-oriented audience. From photo ads that blend seamlessly into users’ feeds to immersive carousel ads and engaging Stories ads, Instagram Ads enable brands to create compelling content that drives discovery and inspires action.

Errol Andam Nike

Twitter (X) Ads

Twitter Ads provide brands with a unique opportunity to engage with users in real-time conversations and trending topics. With its highly engaged user base and powerful targeting options, Twitter Ads allow brands to amplify their message and spark meaningful interactions. Whether it’s through promoted tweets that appear in users’ timelines, sponsored hashtags to drive conversation, or video ads that capture attention, X Ads offer a dynamic platform for brands to increase their online visibility and drive brand awareness.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professional networking and B2B marketing, making it an essential channel for brands targeting businesses and professionals. LinkedIn Ads enable brands to reach decision-makers and influencers in their industry through sponsored content, text ads, and sponsored InMail messages. With its precise targeting options based on job title, industry, company size, and more, LinkedIn Ads allow brands to tailor their message to the right audience and drive engagement and conversions.

Amazon Advertising

With over 300 million active customer accounts, Amazon has become a powerhouse in e-commerce and online advertising. Amazon Advertising offers a range of ad formats, including sponsored products, sponsored brands, and display ads, allowing brands to promote their products directly to shoppers on the platform. With its advanced targeting options and access to valuable shopper data, Amazon Advertising enables brands to increase their discoverability, drive sales, and maximize return on investment.

Pinterest Ads

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform that inspires users to discover and save ideas for their interests and projects. With its highly engaged user base and emphasis on visual content, Pinterest Ads offer a unique opportunity for brands to showcase their products and drive inspiration-driven purchases. Whether it’s through Promoted Pins that appear in users’ feeds, video ads that tell a story, or carousel ads that showcase multiple products, Pinterest Ads help brands reach consumers at the moment of inspiration and drive action.

In conclusion, leveraging the right ad networks is essential for brands looking to increase their online discoverability and reach their target audience effectively. By utilizing platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Amazon Advertising, and Pinterest Ads, brands can create targeted, compelling campaigns that drive engagement, conversions, and business growth in today’s digital landscape. With the right strategy and execution, brands can unlock the full potential of online advertising and elevate their online presence to new heights.

The Future of Mobile Marketing: Trends and Strategies

Errol Andam Nike

In an era where smartphones have become extensions of ourselves, the landscape of marketing is evolving at a rapid pace, with mobile devices at the forefront of this digital revolution. As we navigate the ever-changing mobile ecosystem, it’s crucial for marketers to stay ahead of the curve. In this blog post from Errol Andam, formerly of Nike, Errol will explore the future of mobile marketing, examining emerging trends and strategies that will shape the way brands engage with their audiences.

1. Rise of 5G Technology: Redefining Speed and Connectivity

The rollout of 5G technology is set to revolutionize mobile marketing. With faster data speeds and lower latency, marketers can leverage high-quality video content, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) to create immersive and engaging experiences. This opens up new possibilities for interactive campaigns and real-time interactions, providing a seamless and lightning-fast user experience.

2. Personalization 2.0: Hyper-Targeted and Contextual Experiences

Personalization has been a buzzword in marketing, but the future is about taking it to the next level. Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, mobile marketers can analyze vast amounts of user data to deliver hyper-targeted and contextually relevant content. From personalized recommendations to location-based offers, brands can create tailored experiences that resonate with individual users, fostering a deeper connection.

3. Chatbots and Conversational Marketing

As messaging apps continue to dominate mobile usage, chatbots and conversational marketing are becoming integral to customer engagement. AI-driven chatbots provide instant and personalized interactions, guiding users through the customer journey. Brands can leverage chatbots for customer support, product recommendations, and even transactional processes, creating a seamless and conversational experience for users.

4. Video Content Dominance

Video content is not just a trend; it’s a fundamental aspect of mobile marketing that will continue to thrive. Short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive video content capture and maintain user attention. Platforms like TikTok have demonstrated the power of creative, engaging video content. Marketers need to adapt their strategies to incorporate video into their mobile campaigns to tell compelling stories and connect with their audience visually.

5. Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

AR is set to become a game-changer in mobile marketing. Brands can use AR to create immersive experiences, allowing users to interact with products in their physical environment before making a purchase decision. Whether it’s trying on virtual clothes or visualizing furniture in their living spaces, AR enhances user engagement and bridges the gap between online and offline experiences.

6. Data Privacy and Trust

With increasing concerns about data privacy, building and maintaining trust with users is paramount. Marketers must adopt transparent practices and prioritize user consent. Strategies that respect user privacy while delivering personalized experiences will be crucial for long-term success in mobile marketing.

The future of mobile marketing is dynamic and multifaceted. Embracing emerging technologies, prioritizing personalization, and adapting to changing consumer behaviors will be essential for marketers looking to stay ahead in this evolving landscape. By understanding and leveraging these trends, brands can create innovative, user-centric mobile marketing strategies that not only capture attention but also foster lasting relationships with their audiences. The mobile revolution is ongoing, and those who embrace these trends will be best positioned to thrive in the future of mobile marketing.

The Importance of Storytelling in Branding: Connecting with Your Audience on a Deeper Level

Errol Andam Nike

In the fast-paced marketing world, where trends come and go, one strategy stands the test of time – storytelling. Brands that master the art of storytelling create a lasting impact on their audience, forging emotional connections that transcend the transactional nature of business. In this blog post from Errol Andam, formerly of Nike, Errol will delve into the profound significance of storytelling in branding and how it enables brands to connect with their audience on a deeper, more meaningful level.

The Human Element: Connecting Emotionally

Humans are inherently wired to respond to stories. Narratives engage our emotions, connecting us to the characters and their journeys. In branding, a compelling story creates an emotional bond between the brand and its audience. By weaving a narrative that resonates with the target audience’s values, aspirations, and challenges, brands can establish a genuine connection.

Building Identity and Authenticity

Storytelling provides a platform for brands to communicate their identity and values authentically. A well-crafted brand story goes beyond product features; it communicates the essence of the brand, its mission, and the values it stands for. This authenticity builds trust, fostering a sense of transparency that today’s consumers crave. When consumers identify with a brand’s story, they are more likely to become loyal advocates.

Differentiation in a Crowded Market

In a marketplace saturated with options, differentiation is key. A unique and compelling brand story sets a brand apart from its competitors. It gives the audience a reason to choose one brand over another, not just based on features or pricing, but on the emotional resonance created by the brand narrative. Storytelling helps carve a distinct identity, making the brand memorable and engaging.

Engaging Across Platforms

In the digital age, where consumers interact with brands across various platforms, storytelling becomes a powerful tool for consistent messaging. Whether through social media, blogs, videos, or advertisements, a cohesive brand story provides a unified experience. This consistency reinforces the brand message, helping to create a seamless and recognizable presence that resonates with consumers across diverse channels.

Evoking Shared Values

Consumers are increasingly seeking brands that align with their values. A well-crafted brand story allows a brand to communicate its values and purpose, attracting like-minded individuals with similar beliefs. This shared connection goes beyond a transactional relationship, fostering a sense of community around the brand. Brands that stand for something meaningful become more than just products – they become a part of a lifestyle.

The importance of storytelling in branding cannot be overstated. It is a powerful tool that enables brands to connect with their audience on a deeper, more emotional level. Through storytelling, brands can humanize their identity, build authenticity, differentiate themselves in a competitive market, and engage consumers across various platforms. In a world where consumer choices are abundant, the ability to create a compelling narrative is the secret sauce that transforms a brand from a mere product or service into a meaningful part of people’s lives.

Shaping The Customer’s Experience in Retail

Errol Andam Nike

In the early 20th century, businessman Harry Gordon Selfridge coined the term, “the customer is always right.” While this may not always be true, retail shopping remains the most popular way for consumers to purchase goods and services, and customers play a vital role in this. How can shaping the customer’s experience in retail be maintained so businesses can continue to thrive? Errol Andam, formerly of Nike answers this question below.

Retail Shopping is Defined by the Customer

Retail shopping is defined as “the sale of goods or services from a business directly to a consumer for their own use.” This includes both physical stores and online stores, such as websites that can even be accessed through a mobile device. 

Of course, it is well known that customers are the lifeblood of any business. The more that customers are buying products, the more the business profits, therefore it is always in a business’s best interest to ensure that their customer experience is top notch. 

Customers that have a positive experience with a business are:

  • more likely to become repeat customers 
  • increasing revenue and return on investments 
  • willing to advocate for the business to new customers
  • going to want to share feedback 

All of these are likely to increase profit and traffic to the business, so it’s definitely worth investing the time, energy, and money into improving the customer experience. 

What Businesses Can Do to Shape the Experience

Shaping the customer experience to create something positive that will keep customers coming back is easier said than done. Luckily, there are various tried and true strategies that have proven successful for optimizing the customer experience again and again. 

Use Data

Data is the most important thing when it comes to shaping the customer experience. Especially with the advent of technology, businesses can gain a lot more insight into their customer base and really make every individual’s experience unique. 

Data can tell a marketing team how to design their store, what colors and layout to use on their website, and so much more. It can also provide valuable insight into certain demographics and even individual shoppers. 

Errol Andam Nike

Think About Process

The process of customer experience is another important point to note. Process is otherwise known as the whole act of shopping, from going to a store to browsing to finally buying. When the process of shopping at a business is enjoyable, then the customer will want to shop there more often.

One part of the online shopping process is how easily navigable a website is. If a customer is lost and can’t find what they’re looking for, then they’re not going to bother with the business. If the process is smooth, efficient, and stress-free, then the customer will be happy. 

Don’t Forget Human Interaction

In a world of technology, it can be hard to find human-to-human interactions, but this is still an important element in any business. Customers are looking for that human touch, even if they don’t explicitly ask for it. 

Human interaction can be anything from great customer service to videos and tutorials on a business website. This makes the customer feel understood and seen, as opposed to the frustration that sometimes comes when stuck interacting with a robot.

Achieving Brand Loyalty in the Age of Choice

Errol Andam Nike

In the modern world, consumers have unlimited options for purchasing a product, causing brand loyalty to suffer. This doesn’t mean it’s dead, though — it’s just different. According to a 2020 study conducted by Brand Keys, research firm, brand loyalty actually increased by an average of 20% across B2C, B2B, and D2C sectors from 2019. However, it has become a much more complex marketplace than it used to be. 

Errol Andam, formerly of Nike and founder of creative experiential marketing agency 10X10 StudioLab, says that 2023 has seen brand and mediascapes become more wide-reaching than ever before. In this highly tech-intensive environment, consumers are connecting with each other before even looking at brands.

Today’s customers are complex, requiring companies to truly get to know them and implement proven strategies if they want to earn loyalty. It’s the only way to stand out in the age of choice. 

Consistent Communication with Customers for Emotional Connections

Catering to customers’ needs requires an understanding of what they are in the first place, which can only happen through consistent communication.

These days, it isn’t enough to have slick advertising and boasts about the latest features. Whether they consciously know it or not, consumers want emotional connection. Brands who evoke the right emotions and constantly meet (or exceed) expectations incite loyalty.

This is backed up by a 2016 article published in the Harvard Business Review which noted the most effective way to leverage customer value as going beyond satisfaction and venturing into making connections at an emotional level. 

Establish an Attractive Loyalty Program

Loyalty programs aren’t a new concept, but they remain a strong way to encourage customer retention in a world with (arguably too many) choices. Shopify data shows that 66% of customers mentioned how earning rewards actually alters their overall spending habits, including the establishments where they enact such habits. 

The most effective program depends on its target audience, but there are plenty of types for businesses to choose from, including but not limited to:

  • Tier-based programs — Here, customers move up the levels after they complete each tier of spending to unlock better perks/discounts. 
  • Points programs — Perhaps the most popular type, they’re easy to set up, follow, and redeem. Customers can exchange points for discounted services, credit toward their next shop, or giveaways. 
  • Spend-based programs — These programs let businesses recognize high-spend consumers. Many airlines are switching to this model from the points-based scheme to engage on a deeper level with those who splash their cash on first class seats. 
  • Free perks programs — Companies reward loyal shoppers with complimentary services or products. This could include makeup samples, free food, or another item that suits the business. 
Errol Andam Nike

Leverage Influencer Popularity

Influencer marketing has skyrocketed over the last five years, cementing itself as the primary tactic for companies around the world. This is for good reason — it works wonders for growing brand loyalty. 

Many people spend around three to four hours on their phone each day. So, companies who make use of the biggest influencers will massively increase their reach and encourage fans to get involved. Their thinking? If their favorite influencer loves the product, they will too!

Experiential Retail: Creating Memorable Brand Experiences To Drive Customer Engagement

Errol Andam Nike

Experiential retail – also known as immersive retailing – has revolutionized the traditional brick-and-mortar retail landscape. But what’s the goal here? 

This new flavor of retail engagement isn’t simply about selling items to shoppers; it’s about engaging in ways that are often meaningful and sensory in order to keep them coming back. In this immersive approach, customers are not just buyers, they’re participants in a brand’s story.

Below, Errol Andam, formerly of Nike and founder of creative experiential marketing agency 10X10 StudioLab, takes a look at tools like the Retail-as-a-Service model and the integration of technologies like augmented reality (AR) and how they help create novel, immersive, and memorable experiencesto win and retain customers.

Transitioning from Traditional Retail to a New Model

Retail has long focused on impersonal, transactional interactions. Stores display products, shoppers choose items, pay for them, and everyone hopes there’s no reason to return the product. It’s a functional process, but not necessarily engaging (though it does rely on marketing and brand affinity to a large extent).

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see brands shift gears, moving towards a retail model that involves presenting customers as part of the brand’s energy. This is partially inspired by the resurgence of in-person shopping, as well as the development of new digital outreach tools. The Retail-as-a-Service (RaaS) model aims to create unique and engaging experiences that draw in customers for more than transactions. They offer entertainment, exclusive moments, and other events and rewards that build brand loyalty and turn customers into ambassadors.

RaaS combines physical retail’s tactile aspects with digital technology’s ability to personalize and streamline the customer journey. For example, “smart” dressing rooms can offer personalized clothing suggestions based on the customer’s profile, preferences, and purchase history. A more public approach might involve using in-store events or workshops to foster community and social connections while deepening the customer-brand relationship. 

This new experiential model prioritizes experience over transaction to create memories that stick with customers long after their purchase.

Errol Andam Nike

The Impact of Augmented Reality on Experiential RetailBrands are also taking advantage of augmented reality (AR) to enhance their clientele’s shopping. Retailers like IKEA and Sephora have used AR to let shoppers virtually “try before they buy.” While IKEA’s AR app allows shoppers to visualize how furniture will look in their homes, Sephora’s Virtual Artist lets potential buyers “try on” makeup on a digital rendition of their faces. These are both fun and convenient and potentially lead to fewer returns, which inconvenience both customers and retailers.Of course, these more personalized shopping experiences come with challenges. For example, they’re dependent on customers having mobile devices and strong internet connectivity. This can be rather challenging in remote or crowded areas, and as AR becomes more common, people will certainly scrutinize its ability to protect the consumer data it collects and uses to create customized interactions.Striking a balance between personalizing experiences and respecting customers’ privacy is a challenge retailers must tackle.

Errol Andam Nike


The experiential approach helps brands connect with their customers on a deeper level. Technologies like AR and business models like RaaS will need to navigate the challenges of tech integration and data privacy while continually innovating to offer unique, engaging experiences that delight consumers.

The Future of Retail Marketing: Emerging Trends And Innovations

Errol Andam Nike

For consumers, new retail technologies are constantly making the shopping experience easier, faster, and more convenient. But for sellers, keeping up with these helpful retail innovations can be quite stressful, especially with today’s highly competitive market. How are new trends shaping the future of marketing?

In recent years, many retailers have used digital technology to merge online and in-store shopping. Tech innovations have shifted the focus of marketing to fitting consumers’ demonstrated interests. New virtual reality, automated inventory, AI customer service, and contactless sales have greatly reduced many companies’ resource waste while increasing their efficiency and sustainability.

Whether you work in the industry or are just a casual shopper, Errol Andam, formerly of Nike and founder of creative experiential marketing agency 10X10 StudioLab, says that being aware of the latest tips, tricks, and trends in retail marketing can save both time and money. Let’s explore some of the up-and-coming technologies shaping the future of shopping. 

Omnichannel Marketing: Blending In-Store and Online Retail

To maximize consumer attention, many traditional, brick-and-mortar businesses have started selling and promoting their products online, and those that were once exclusively-online have developed new ways to interact with customers in real-world settings.

During the pandemic, online shopping took on a new level of importance. Delivery systems like Instacart and Amazon Fresh became many people’s preferred method of grocery shopping, while delivery speeds for other online orders also increased in order to meet consumers’ needs for products that were previously purchased in-store. 

Many retailers also implemented “buy-online, pick-up in-store” options, which allowed shoppers to select and pay for their items online, skip the aisle-browsing and checkout lines, and still avoid delivery fees. Some retailers even introduced curb-side pick-up, eliminating the need to even leave the car. 

Many companies that began fully online have also expanded their methods of delivering and interacting with customers. One of the clearest examples is Amazon, which began as an entirely online “mall” and has now become the most successful retailer worldwide. 

New AmazonGo stores, Amazon lockers, and item pick-up/return stations in other retailers’ store locations are showing the moving trend toward contactless shopping without delivery. 

Technology in Customer Service

Although self-checkouts have been around for decades, they are now appearing in most large-scale retail chains, from regional grocery stores to big-name retailers like Walmart, Target and Costco. Another, somewhat newer trend is the wide-scale adoption of contactless payment systems like smartphone proximity payments. 

With these shifts, employees have begun to fill new roles. Instead of being baggers and manning cashiers, they are often trained to troubleshoot self-checkout machines and monitor for petty theft. 

AI, IPS, AR, and IoT technologies have also impacted customer-retailer relationships. In physical store settings, many customers now use Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) accessible via smartphone to locate products, rather than asking store associates as they would have in the past. 

In the online context, Artificial Intelligence (AI) chat services are often used to address customer questions and complaints, which can help to avoid long wait times on the phone. Augmented Reality (AR) can likewise help consumers by allowing them to visualize a product in their home or visually try on an article of clothing before deciding whether to actually purchase.

In addition to helping customers navigate the store, IPS allows retailers to monitor and track where customers go and what items catch their attention. This data can then be used to optimize sales through optimizing product placements. AR can further aid these decisions by showing potential improvements to shelf layouts.

AI and Internet of Things (IoT) technology can also help retailers to keep track of inventory, know when and what to restock, and even predict future trends. Stock information and future predictions are also beneficial when it comes to reducing wasted merchandise, emissions, and transportation labor.

Errol Andam Nike

Trends in Brand Building and Attracting Customers

With the rise and growth of social media, online advertising has become by far the most popular and efficient way to reach consumers. In addition to pop-ups, banners, and image-based ads embedded in websites, many retailers also use brand-partnerships, influencer promotions, and product review incentives on social media to drive sales ever higher.

Creating and being active on their own social media accounts can help retailers to build a brand identity. In an economy driven by competition and innovation, aligning with a specific cause like veganism, sustainability, or gay pride can help make a brand memorable, regardless of how similar their product might be to others on the market.

The same goes for getting the endorsement of a well-known influencer, star, or athlete, or becoming a headline sponsor for a specific event, like the Boston Marathon or the Super Bowl. 

The modern retail market has no shortage of options when it comes to promoting any given product with any of the countless price comparison tools always available. Building customer loyalty can go a long way for helping a business succeed, and many brands offer rewards programs or inside-access coupons to those who join their email list or follow their social media accounts.

People want to stand by a brand that makes them feel good about their choices, and keeping a positive online presence and promoting sustainability are only a few of the tried-and-true strategies for gaining and maintaining consumer engagement.


New technologies have revolutionized modern marketing and retail strategies. To stay competitive, many retailers are adopting new smart monitoring technology, AI customer support, and contactless check-outs. Building a brand image online through social media and sponsorships, as well as supporting a specific cause, can all help retailers gain consumer attention and loyalty.